The Wave Sales Illustration System
Most current version

The Wave 54 is the most current version.

You can download the installation file first. Then double-click the file to install; or run the installation file directly without saving it.

If any of the product illustration modules in The WAVE program are currently open, please save the installation file first; then shut down the WAVE program and double click the saved file to install.

What’s new for WAVE v54

Effective June 24, 2024 we are introducing the following:
New Commissionable Target Premiums for UL
  • Applicable for all UL products (Life Dimensions, Life Dimensions Low Fees and Wealth Dimensions)
  • Updated Target commissionable premiums (Tier 1) for all products and cost of insurance (COI) variations for issue ages 71 to 80

Other Updates
  • Updates to the Insurance Needs Calculator and the form Life Insurance Calculator (359E)
  • Introduction of Executive Summary for the Insured Corporate Financing Plan
  • Minor non-product related updates throughout all modules and concepts such as:
    • Logo updates and trademark edits
    • Minor changes on concept report pages

Please download the NEW Wave 54 illustration software.


Get a copy of The Wave v53 (previous version).